Dialing in Mexico Effective Aug 3, 2019
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Dialing in Mexico
As of Aug 3, 2019 there is a new way of dialing in Mexico.
Dialing telephone numbers from across Mexico is now only 10 digits. The 01 prefix has been eliminated for national calls and non-geographic numbers (880 and 900). The 044 & 045 prefix has been eliminated for cell phones.
The area code in Puerto Penasco is 638. So to call a number in Puerto Penasco from from a Mexican landline or Mexican Cell Phone would be Area Code + 7 digit #.
When calling from the US/Canada to a Mexico Landline or Cell Phone you will dial the International Code + Country Code + Area Code + 7 Digit #.
Mexico to Mexico:
Area Code + 7 Digit #
US/Canada to Mexico:
011-52+Area Code+7 Digit #
Mexico to US/Canada:
001+Area Code + 7 Digit #
Mexico to US/Canada Toll Free*:
800 #: 001-880+7 Digit #
866 #: 001-883+7 Digit #
877 #: 001-882+7 Digit #
888 #: 001-881+7 Digit #
* When calling a US or Canada toll free number from Mexico, the prefix is different – see above. Note that when you are dialing toll free from Mexico, this is no longer a toll free call – the caller will be charged international rates. At the Sonoran Sea, our phone package for the land lines includes long distance, so the calls are still free. If you call from a different Mexican land line, the call would be charged to the caller.